RadioActivity: Rich reporting
How well do you know what your station is playing? With RadioActivity, you'll know it all. Using your station's playlist data, RadioActivity lets you crunch the numbers like never before.

Want to know the top 25 hip hop tracks this week? How about this month? How about only plays from a specific label? On vinyl only? And get them emailed to your station directors? No problem.
Report scheduling
Once you've set up a playlist report, it can be run on-demand, or scheduled to run automatically, turning your reporting duties into a onetime, fire-and-forget process.
SoundExchange Reporting can generate SoundExchange 'Reports of Use' reports from your station's playlist data. This is typically very dependent on your station's setup - but we've also written a few tools and articles on the subject to help stations complete the process. If your station is seeking a solution to help generate its SoundExchange Reports of Use, we suggest that you contact us for more information.
ASCAP, SESAC, BMI reporting & consulting
Is your station trying to stay compliant with ASCAP, SESAC, BMI, but not sure where to start? Have you recieved an RIAA 'Notice of Non-Compliance w/Statutory License', but don't know why? RadioActivity is also available for general consulting when it comes to making sure your licensing, technology, and operations support the reporting and legal requirements needed to stream legally.
Have your own reporting tools? Want your raw data?
If you have your own reporting tools, or would just like a raw, unfiltered copy of your station's playlist data, it is always available. At any given moment, you can download your station's entire raw playlist database in HTML, text, or Excel* format.
With RadioActivity, you can generate an on-the-fly reports for station partners, label reps, individual artsits and anyone else interested in your playlists.

We can even send you a CD or DVD snapshot of your data if you can't burn your own. It is, after all, your data - we're just holding onto it for you.
Automatic archiving
What's more, once you've entered data or created a report, it's always on file. You can always refer back to it later, and view or export it to text, HTML or Excel* format.
Learn about RadioActivity's pricing ... (it's cheaper than you think!)
* 'Excel' is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.